Thursday, August 22, 2013



Next week or the week after my awesome dog  Cluch is going to dress up in a bright pink collar, a bright pink vest and a bright pink bag. He is doing it because the girl's black lab is sick. Cluch is going to go to two schools to help kids learn. We are going to get the girl to take photos of Cluch. I think Cluch is going to look really funny in a pink collar, pink vest and a pink bag. Cluch is going to the two schools in two days. The girl who is taking Cluch is going to take her other two dogs with pink Cluch.

When cluch goes to scool he gets fully gromed, he gets washed, he gets masaged and he also gets taken on BIG walks.I would love to be cluch and get masaged, fully gromed, get washed and taken on big walks by the children at scool.


Room 7 Brightwater School said...

Johny says- you have used describing words.
Olivia likes your sentence starters and your interesting title.
Ameera likes the name of your dog- he owns a garage and cars have a clutch!!!
Room 7 would like to know how Clutch got on at school. Could you please add another paragraph telling us what happened?

Room 7 Brightwater School said...

clutch would look cool in pink by Callum and Boyd liked all of the sentences.

Room 7 Brightwater School said...

Sam, I like the title Pink Cluch because it made me want to read your blog. I like your description of Cluch in pink clothes.