Friday, August 23, 2013

A Nice Day for Art, by Jordan

Hi Jordan here.  I've been chosen for the art team. I can't wait to go. It's just so exciting! Four other children from Room 7 are doing it too. We are doing it with Mrs Cairns. I like doing rubbings of things with chalk or crayons, and I like sketching too. I really like sketching olden days stuff like old, soggy, wet, wooden houses. Art is fun because you can do anything, all sorts off things like making treasure maps. My map has Shark Tooth Island and Skull Island on it. There were dead mummies and trails, deadly fish, evil turtles and a submarine. We used coloured pencils, then we washed it over with cold coffee to make it look old. It's all art!


Room 7 Brightwater School said...

You have used lots of describing words.- Johny, Cleo
You have added detail about the kind of art you like. -Ameera
You have used different story starters.- Torin
You introduced yourself in the story.- Josh R
You have described the how and what you can do of art.- Sam

Room 7 Brightwater School said...

Your title is amazing! You have used lots of describing words like "wooden, soggy houses". You've added lots more detail like what kind of art you love.
By Keighley

Anonymous said...

I like hearing about why you like art Jordan. It sounds fun. I like art too. Maybe thats why you like it. Mum xx