Friday, September 13, 2019

Current Events

Famous dugong dies from eating plastic

August 19, 2019
A world-famous dugong, named Miriam, has died from eating plastic.

The orphaned dugong became famous last year after it was rescued in Thailand.
Mariam died on Saturday from an infection that was started by small bits of plastic that were lining her stomach.
Mariam became an internet star after images showed her nuzzling into rescuers when she became stranded on a beach in April.
There are only a few hundred of these special sea mammals left in Thailand.
During the final autopsy, several pieces of plastic including one measuring 20cm were found inside her stomach.

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
Mariam the dugong.

2. What was the key event from the news article?
There is plastic in the ocean and the sea animals are eating it and dying from it.

3. Where did this event take place?

4. When did this event take place?
August 2019

I wonder how she got all the plastic in her tummy?
I wonder what type plastic it was?
I wonder how long a dugong can hold its breath?
I wonder what the dugong evolved from?
I wonder why the dugong got washed up on the shore.
I wonder how large they grow.
I wonder if Ruby will see one in Thailand.

I think all the shops should have paper bags instead of plastic.
I think it is good they are trying to save the dugongs by people building on the sea.
I think it would be cool taking care of the dugong.
I think it would be hard to find them.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Current Events Mrs Cotter - Week 8

74year old lady gives birth to twins to set world record

September 8, 2019
A 74-year-old woman in India may have just become the oldest ever to give birth.
Erramatti Mangayamma gave birth to twin girls on Thursday in the city of Guntur, in India.
According to the Times of India, the woman had been married to her husband for 57 years but had been unable to become pregnant.
This time she was able to have the baby through IVF. This is when doctors help parents get pregnant.
It is believed she is the oldest person to give birth.
Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara, a woman from El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain, currently holds the record for the oldest confirmed person to give birth. She was 66 years old when she had twin boys in 2006.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

School Camp

At the end of October we are going to Teapot Valley Camp for 3 days of fun and activities. Our awesome parents have baked cup cakes for us to sell and we have raised $1,037! We are going to have another cupcake day on the 6 September and we hope to earn more money towards our Camp!
Mrs D loved the strawberry on top of her cupcake!!!

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

TERM TWO WEEK ONE Gallipoli Exhibition

Gallipoli exhibition extended for 3 years

April 30, 2019
Te Papa’s Gallipoli exhibition: The Scale of our War is going to be extended for at least another three years.
Since opening in 2015 the exhibition has had over 2.5 million visitors. This makes it the most popular exhibition the country has ever seen.
It opened in time to mark 100 years since the beginning of World War I, and was scheduled to close this year.
However, the museum decided to extend the exhibition based on the feedback from visitors, visitor numbers, and the impact it has had on people.
Te Papa board member Evan Williams said the extension would give as many New Zealanders as possible a chance to experience it for themselves.

WHO visitors to Te Papa and people who fought in the war
WHEN exhibition opened in 2015
WHY to teach people about what it was like in World War 1, in Gallopoli