Monday, June 24, 2013

Captain Blunderbus By Cushla


On Thursday Captain Blunderbus

 dropped  past to bury his treasure but instead he talked to the school.
And in the treasure box was a cup of tea and some guns and some more goodies.
On next Thursday my class  and me   are going on a treasure hunt.
We are going  to Rabilind    it

Pirate Blunderbus By Boyd


On Thursday Captain Blunderbus came to School. He wanted to bury his treasure chest. He stole the treasure off KIDD because it had his name on it. Pirate Blunderbus was shipwrecked, lost and he had no home. He walked across the road with a broken wheelbarrow. We had to wait on the steps on the veranda.
In the treasure chest he had his telescope, a compass, sword, an hourglass, gun powder and a treasure map that he left behind.
Next Thursday we are going to find some treasure because he left the map behind.

Captain Blunderbus! By Darby


On Thursday Captain Blunderbus walked down the road pushing a  broken wheelbarrow.
Captain Blunderbus was shipwrecked, lost, had no home and couldn’t find somewhere to bury his treasure. He was really funny.
Rooms 5,6 and 7 sat on the steps under the veranda at school and looked in the chest. There was the pirate’s belongings.
Next week on Thursday we are going to find Captain Blunderbus’s treasure.

Lost Pirate By Tane

On Thursday Pirate  Blunderbus walked past school.  He had a wheelbarrow with his chest. He came to school to find a place to bury his treasure chest.
He left his treasure map behind so next week Thursday we are going to find Captain Blunderbus’s treasure. He left his treasure map.