Monday, March 20, 2017

Current Events- Kaka population increases

This is this weeks topic for our current events. Children may choose to complete it at home or school. For those children to be extended, answer the thinking questions. 
Kaka population increases
March 8, 2017

South Island kākā have made an extraordinary comeback in a Fiordland forest following a pest eradication project.
In the mid 2000s the kākā population in Waitutu Forest was being ravaged by stoats and possums. Population surveys showed that males outnumbered females by an average of six to one.
However, a population sample taken in December last year shows a turn-around in the parrot’s fortunes with female kākā rebounding and young birds on the rise again.
Pest control in the Fiordland National Park, has included localised trapping and poisoning for stoats and possums. Planes have also applied 1080 over up to 30,000 hectares when pest numbers have been high due to forest seeding.
Annual bird counts at over 700 points in the forest also show an increase in other forest birds such as robin and kākāriki.
The pest control programme was supported by the Waitutu SILNA and the Nature Heritage Fund, which contributed $1.7 million for pest control.

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

2. What was the key event from the news article?

3. Where did this event take place?

4. When did this event take place?

I think….

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