Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Middle Syndicate Assembly

This afternoon, Room's 5, 6 and 7 had their Syndicate Assembly. Lucy and Clayton helped to organise it.They chose the music and spoke to everyone.

Joe, Caitlin, Keegan, Casper, and Evie stood and and shared their poems.


Room 2 2015 said...

Great to see you up and blogging Room 7. We look forward to reading your blog to see what you have been doing. Thank you for coming down to test our spelling on Friday when Room 9 were away on camp.
Mrs L

Liz Williams said...

It sounds like you have a really interesting assembly. Maybe I could come and watch one day when you are sharing Annabel.

Mrs W
Annabel's Mum

Anonymous said...

What a great assembly you must of had! Well done to Clayton and Lucy.
Rebecca (Clayton's Mum)

Anonymous said...

Great poems guys, and I'm very impressed that your able to stand up in front of an audience and read them out. Well done.
Janti (Keegans Dad)