Friday, March 13, 2009


Go Kylen!

Good catch Reon!

Oh OOh
This morning we went for a celebration swim.It WAS THE LAST! When we got in it was like a piece of frost on a stiff morning. In two minutes, I was out, I couldn't stand it. It was like an old man's freezing flesh on a snow, cold morning!

By Keegan

Friday the 13th of March was Room 7's last day of swimming for the season, and I'm pretty sad. The pool was almost like an ice-berg, but still most of Room 7 chose to join in our final swimming session. Miss Read took heaps of photos. Now we have to do our part by writing stories. Blimey! I hope this year goes by like a rocket ship so I can swim again! I'll make it, because I can always go to the Aquatic Centre after school if I need to. I think, when swimming season is back, I'll be so happy I'll faint. The pool was refreshing even though it felt like I was sitting in a freezer!

By Lucy

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