Monday, July 16, 2007


Hi I'm Zaki.I have a brother, a sister, a mum and a dad.I have 5 pets, 1 dog and 4 cats.I am from England and I was born in Manchester. Now I live in New Zealand.I like lots of sports like football, criket, basketball and running.I am 8 years old and my birthday is December the 4th 1998.I like to play PS2, computer and my Gameboy and watching Tv.We have got 2 sheep and they are cute.I love Lego, I build lots of things out of it.Once at my old school me and my friends built a really big skyscraper out of lego!.It nearly touched the roof.I have these mini cars I play with. You can get stunts ramps with them.
From Zaki.


Room 2 2015 said...

Welcome to Brightwater School Zak. It was great to read about all the things you are interested in.How long did it take you and your friends to build the lego tower? We are really pleased to have your brother Toby in Room 4.
Mrs Lines

Anonymous said...

I can see that you like football because you are really good.