Friday, November 03, 2006

Our Visit to Mckee Reserve and Mapua Aquarium

Once upon a time room 7 & 8 went in a horse and carriage to fairy land...uhhhhhh wait that was a long time ago but here's the story that happened.One day a few weeks ago we went to Mckee Reserve and Mapua Aquarium. At the reserve Richard de Hamel told us that we should see at least one creature under every rock. We found two small flounder and one big one. After a while we found a purple rock crab. Then we went back up to the cars to have lunch and a play on the playground. Then it was off in the cars to Mapua. There we touch the stingrays, they felt smooth. The eels felt as bumpy as sandpaper. In the Discovery Zone Richard told us more about the rocky shore and then we had a look around at the telescopes and touch tanks. It was a fantastic but tirering day.
By Daniel

1 comment:

Room 2 2015 said...

Great pictures and report Daniel. Room 4 had a great day out too and want to go back to the Aquarium one day.