People using pineapples instead of Christmas trees!
November 12, 2017

This year, pineapples are making a comeback – as a replacement of Christmas trees.
People are saying goodbye to the traditional bauble embellished branches for large pineapples, decorated in fairy lights and ornaments.
Baubles are being hung from the head of the pineapple to create a Christmas tree effect – and we’ve got to admit, we’re in love with the idea.
Not only is it a super cheap alternative to
Christmas trees, it’s more interesting than a tiny tree and both smells and tastes better. People have been taking to Instagram to debut their pineapple trees, and we’ve rounded up a few of our favourites.
Christmas trees, it’s more interesting than a tiny tree and both smells and tastes better. People have been taking to Instagram to debut their pineapple trees, and we’ve rounded up a few of our favourites.

I think that they are easier to take down.
I think it's weird because the pineapple might go rotten.
I think it's weird because you can't fit your presents under the tree.
I think it's cool because you could eat it after it has been a xmas tree.
I think it's cool they can make a pineapple look like a xmas tree.
I think it looks beautiful with all the lights.
I think you could use other vegs and fruit for decorations.
I think it's good because it won't be so expensive.
I wonder where they got the idea from.
I wonder they got all the decorations to stay on.
I wonder how they got it to stand up.
I wonder how many people will use that crazy idea.