I was excited as I got ready for a very fun night just fishing. We drove to the wharf and I ran out to my aunty, it was her birthday. We had fish and chips for tea, I had nuggets. After tea we all went fishing. No one caught any fish but my second cosin just about caught a jelly fish! It was a very very fun night.
By Xavier
Thursday, November 13, 2014
In the holidays I went motorbike racing at the farm. It was very rough. I went with dad and it took about 2 hours. Ollie, Luka, Nico and Shane went on the really hard track. We were very tired but the others had one more lap to do. After they finished we went home, we had to go all the way back to Nelson, but Ollie went with the others. It was really fun down at the farm.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
The Snapper fishing By Nathan
Grandad and I got in Kingfisher ready to go out
snapper fishing out the front of Rabbit Island
but first Grandad and I had to go get Uncle
Clint and Charlotte and Mum, then we drove
Finally we came to a stop and Gdad (Grandad) said, " Alright, you can put your hooks down!" Then About 30 Minutes Later I Caught A Snapper About This Long , 60 centermeters That Is Quite Long for A Small Brim (Snapper) And At The End Of The Day Uncle Clint Caught A Smaller Snapper. What A Fishy Good Day.![http://10000birds.com/australasian-snapper-pagrus-auratus.htm Image result for picture of a snapper]()
Monday, November 10, 2014
Spot The Bird By Matilda
On a sunny Monday afternoon Chloe and I were walking down our driveway. Suddenly! We heard a CHEEP! CHEEP! I shot down as fast as a bullet and crawled towards the sound...There! I shouted.There stood a month old thrush chick. Chloe scooped the poor chick up. She took him home and then we got him a cozy card board box to live in. Later that evening his box was full of wood shavings,he had his feed of mashed chick food and finally he had his nape. A couple of days later mum said we could tack Spot to school! The day past so quickly and then we brought him to school.
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Hunting with Dad By James
We packed our bags then said bye mum and jumped in the car for the long journey to Christchurch . The drive was very long so we stayed the night at Gran's house in Christchurch . We had a lot of fun at Gran's house .
The next day we were off finally. We came to Mt Cook! What a sight to see. Then a huge helicopter came and picked us up.
The hut was small and had lots of sand flies but it was a good spot.
After we unloaded we got out our scoops to spot thar [thar are like goats but bigger]. At first they were very hard to spot but then I got my eye in. I could see six or seven. Wow! They are hard to spot but then I got my eye in. Then we were off hunting!!!!!!
We walked up a huge hill. We got nothing. ''Maybe next time,'' I said.
The next day dad and I heard several shots. It was Wellzy, Dad's friend. He shot to bull thar.
The next day the helicopter got us. I had an awesome adventure.
Australia By Harrison
In the holidays I went to Australia. We went to Auckland,first, the plane was really cool, when we took off it felt really cool because you lent back and went really fast and then we were in the air about half way through you got an activity to do. It was easy but the other side of the page was hard. We had to do an acrostic poem.
Once I did it we were there. The airport was huge. It was 100k.
We found a bus that took us to the right piece of the airport so we looked for the right gate. It was gate 11. So we went and sat in the lounge until the plane was called out then we walked down a hall kind of thing into the plane. We got on and before you knew it, we were in the sky.
We reached an altitude of 3098. In three hours we landed. We landed at 9:00 at night and then my aunty was there with a welcome balloon and sign saying all of our names.
After we got in the car and traveled for an 1 hour, we parked the car at their apartment so we went to sleep.
Then we to a convention for two days.
After that we went to a aquarium. There was a 6 and a half meter crocodile. After that we got to go tree surfing. I was the best at keeping my balance because I sprinted across the platform and then we did a lot of mazes, then we did biscuiting down a big hill.
On the next day we went to Luna Park. My favourite thing was a thing that went up side down but when it was slowing down we were up side down for ages.
Once I did it we were there. The airport was huge. It was 100k.
We found a bus that took us to the right piece of the airport so we looked for the right gate. It was gate 11. So we went and sat in the lounge until the plane was called out then we walked down a hall kind of thing into the plane. We got on and before you knew it, we were in the sky.
We reached an altitude of 3098. In three hours we landed. We landed at 9:00 at night and then my aunty was there with a welcome balloon and sign saying all of our names.
After we got in the car and traveled for an 1 hour, we parked the car at their apartment so we went to sleep.
Then we to a convention for two days.
After that we went to a aquarium. There was a 6 and a half meter crocodile. After that we got to go tree surfing. I was the best at keeping my balance because I sprinted across the platform and then we did a lot of mazes, then we did biscuiting down a big hill.
On the next day we went to Luna Park. My favourite thing was a thing that went up side down but when it was slowing down we were up side down for ages.
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